Friday, June 10, 2011

Our Dream Home

Kat and I have looked at so much land the last three months that I think we know every gravel road in Bates County and almost as many in Kansas. We have narrowed our search down to looking for 10-15 acres and we are close to the location that we want to be in.

This is a photo of the cabin we want to build on it.

To ensure we have water for the gardens we plan to have a water well dug and then connect a wind mill to it for drawing water.

One piece of property we looked at this week had a sunset going on almost like the one pictured here.

Hopefully in the next week or two we can post a photo and overhead shot of the land we will call The Restoration Farm.

Kat and I are excited that God is leading us in the direction we are going. We both know that in the beginning it will require some hard work but once we have established some success things will get easier. But we are prepared that as often is the case in life it will not get easier but more challenging.

Kat is learning more about emergency preparedness, which she hope to pass on to others through classes held at our small center. The center will have a small kitchen and meeting area, a laundry and restrooms with showers. The center will not be very large but sufficient for what we plan to do.

I am putting together the plans for the small cabin(s) that we will provide to pastors and missionaries. These cabins will be rustic but comfortable. My idea for the center and cabins is to provide a safe place for servants to spend some time getting healing and without someone trying to fix them. I believe God's Holy Spirit will do the fixing and my job is to provide the environment.

We have put together our budget and believe we have narrowed things down to fit well within that budget. We believe God wants us to do this within the budget we currently have and right now it is within $150 per month of our current monthly expenses, which Kat and I are very pleased with.

Check back soon because you never know when God will take us to that piece of property that says The Restoration Farm all over it.


  1. I've decided to start at the beginning and read my way forward, a few days at a time. Here's where I stopped my second day into reading this blog. Thanks for sharing and for the encouragement!

  2. I appreciate you taking the time to read through all of my posts. You will see that finding our farm was a process and it changed as we moved along the journey. What we ended up with is a mix of what we saw along the way but in the end we are just where God wanted us to be. Hope to hear from you again.
