Friday, June 17, 2011

Being Open to Change in Plans

As Kat and I travel the road of making The Restoration Farm a reality we have found that there are detours in the road now and then. As we take those detours we realize that as one part of the dream sort of closes something new always takes it's place.

For example in my last post I shared about our dream home.

I have also shared some of the properties we have looked at. One particular property has many of the things we are looking for such as proper fencing and a pond but part of the property line is facing a highway. From certain parts of the property the noise of a passing trailer truck can be heard. Farther back on the property the noise level is not as high but the trucks can still be heard. At first this seemed to be a big negative. Upon visiting the property again this week we noticed that as we walked the property the noise of passing vehicles was evident but it was not as bad as we first thought.

We discovered something this week which we knew all along and that is important in our journey. When faced with a detour we need to remember that God is driving the vehicle and that He knows what route we need to take to get to our destination, "The Restoration Farm".

For example, our dream home along with the cost for the property we like would be about $20,000 more than what we were hoping to spend. Earlier this week I received an email from and we began to research building a barn for our house. What we found is we can build a nice looking barn style house on the property we like for about $20,000 less than the land and log cabin price.

Here is what the barn style house would look like minus the garage doors in the picture.

This building is actually about 200 square feet more space and it, in our mind, is just as attractive.

Most importantly it keeps our plan within the budget that we have set.

We believe what looked like a detour is turning out to be the plan God has in mind for us.

The lesson we believe that God wants us to learn from this process is that reaching our destination requires us to move with faith. As we do so we might find a detour in the journey but if we continue to move in faith God will always lead us along the right road.

In the case of the property and housing. The property is priced about $20,000 more than we want to spend but the barn style house is about $20,000 less than what we had budgeted for housing. If I had not been open to looking beyond the facts we may have taken the wrong path to our dream. It would not have been a sin but it could have resulted in going deeper into debt than what we needed to.

I hope that God spoke to you about something in your own life that looks like a major road block or detour to your dream. I encourage you to look beyond whatever lies in your path and let God make the path straight for you.

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