Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Why Cabins for the Missionary and Wounded Pastors?

Kat and I have been around several missionaries when they have come back to the states for rest and fund raising. Serving in a culture that is different than your own can be stressful and the task of fund raising is for sure stressful.

So what we want to do is provide a place for missionaries to come to and upon returning home and before leaving for their mission. We hope that it will be a stress free environment and one where they can be restored through the Holy Spirit.

Our vision is to have one or two little cottages or RV type structures

where they can stay for free. The cabins will have electricity but no radio or television. We will provide some form of system for them to listen to worship music. There will be running water but right now we do not plan any bathing facilities in the cabins. For restroom services they will have to walk down to the barn which will have a full restroom with a showering area. We will also have laundry machines available in the barn.

To answer the question about wounded pastors is simply to say I have been wounded by pastors and I have wounded wounded pastors. We want to provide a place where pastors can come to for healing of their wounds. How they were wounded or who caused the wounds is not important what is important is they get restored to service. Only God can do that but we can provide the place for the Holy Spirit to His work.

Neither the missionaries or the pastors will be expected to help around the farm but we will encourage them to because there is a calming affect that comes from getting hands in the dirt or from interacting with farm animals.

Our job will be to listen, listen and do some more listening. We will not be offering our opinions but we will talk but we will do more listening than talking.

The Restoration Cabins are an important part of the farm and our plan. For more information contact me at lnclark1950@gmail.com.

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